Meet the Inventor of Form-A-Funnel

Hi folks!

I have always loved taking things apart ever since I was a kid.  The challenge for me was in putting them back together.   This inherently developed a sense of mechanics and started me off on a journey I could not find my way back from. I have always examined various items and thought about how to improve its design.

This invention is called  the FORM-A-FUNNEL , a  moldable funnel.  I started developing this unique tool in 2006.  It all began while I was helping a friend change the oil in a Cessna 182 aircraft.   He was ready to remove the horizontal oil filter when I asked him what gadget we would used to catch the oil since it was not self-draining.   His reply was “Rags”.   I found this to be a bit odd that we couldn’t find a better way than that in our aviation industry.  There had to be a better way.

My mind went into over drive and I went home and grabbed a sheet of lead – 4 inches wide by 28 inches long – and super glued black Nit-rile rubber to it.

I rolled it up into a tube, ran it under the oil filter with an L shape at the filter end and a funnel shape at the exit end (out over the side of the plane).

The device worked like a charm without spilling a drop.  

Soon after that, I changed the lead for aluminum and then filed for a patent, received it… and the rest is history!

Isn’t America great?  



Kevin Lohmeier, inventor of Form a Funnel

-Kevin Lohmeier, Inventor of Form-A-Funnel®